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How do I SSH on Windows using PuTTY?

Instructions on how to SSH to a server using PuTTY.

  1. Launch Putty from your start menu
  2. In the Host Name text box put in your server name.
  3. In the left hand side-bar, go to Connection > Data
  4. In the Auto-login username Enter your username for the server
  5. In the left hand side-bar, go to Connection > SSH > Auth
  6. In the Private key file for authentication box, click on Browse and find your private key (It is the one that does NOT end with .pub)
    • If you don't see that field, then try Connection > SSH > Auth > Credentials instead
  7. In the left hand side-bar, go back to Session (At the top)
  8. In the Saved Sessions Textbox, enter a name and click Save

You have set up your SSH Connection

In the future you can use this connection by double clicking on the server name listed in Saved Sessions and then clicking open (If necessary). A new window will open and prompt you for your passphrase.