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How do I create SSH keys on Windows?

Instructions on how to create an SSH key on Windows using PuTTYGen.

Instructions based on:

  1. Launch the program PuTTYgen from your start menu
    • If you don't have it you can Download and install PuTTYgen from here (use 64-bit x86):
  2. At the bottom of the window that pops up, set the number of bits to 4096
  3. Click Generate. Then wait for the progress bar to complete. Once complete the screen should look like the following
    Generated Keys
  4. In the Key passphrase area, put a strong password. You will need this password to log into the server.
  5. Confirm the passphrase in Confirm passphrase
  6. Save both the public and private key for safekeeping. You will need the private key to log in.
  7. Copy and email me the text in the Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_key file textbox.