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OneDrive - How do I create a Collaborative Workgroup in OneDrive?

Creating a Team Site/Group is ideal for a group of colleagues who will be working on an on-going project and have a need to access the same files during the life of the project. 

To create a Collaborative Workgroup:

  1. Click the “Create shared library“ link under Shared Libraries in the left hand column.
  2. A new window will open. Enter a site/group name and press the Tab button on your keyboard.


  3. An “Email address” and “Site address” field will appear with pre-filled values. If the Site/Group name is already in use the words “not available” will appear in red text.
  4. Enter a text description for the site/group, and set the Privacy Setting to either Public (anyone in UCD can access the site) or Private (only members can see the site).
  5. Select the appropriate Sensitivity level for the site.


  6. Click the Next button to add additional owners and/or add members to the group.
  7. Click Finish to complete the group setup.


For more information on Groups and sharing files visit these links:

Office 365 Groups:
Sharing Group Files:
Office 365 Groups – Guest Access: